The Lowery Lab
at Boston University
December 12, 2014: Congratulations to Belinda for acceptance into medical school at St. George's University!
December 8, 2014: Laura Anne presents an ePoster talk and Beth and Burcu both present posters at the American Society for Cell Biology meeting in Philadelphia.
November 25, 2014: Undergrad Andrew Francl was highlighted in the Boston College Chronicle for his involvement in creating a website to make organic chemistry easier for students to learn. Great work, Andrew!
Read the article HERE.
November 18, 2014: Laura Anne presents a "dynamic" poster and Burcu presents a poster at Society for Neuroscience, in Washington DC.
November 13, 2014: Laura Anne presents a talk at Yale University for the Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry. Thanks to host, Tony Koleske, for a great visit!
November 10, 2014: Laura Anne presents a talk at the University of Vermont for their Biology Department seminar. Thanks to hosts, Bryan Balliff and Marion Weir, for a great visit!
November 5, 2014: Laura Anne gives a talk at the Axonal Transport and Neuronal Mechanics Workshop hosted by the Mathematical Biosciences Institute in Columbus, Ohio.
October 10, 2014: Laura Anne presents a talk at SUNY Albany for their Biology Department seminar. Thanks to host, Ben Szaro, for a great visit!
October 8, 2014: One of Beth's images has been selected for the Cover Image of the Nov 15th issue of Molecular Biology of the Cell! Great microscopy work, Beth!
October 3, 2014: The lab welcomes new undergrad, Alexandra Mills!
September 17, 2014: Laura Anne presents a poster at the Axon Guidance meeting at Cold Spring Harbor.
September 15, 2014: The lab welcomes new undergraduates Leslie Carandang, Paul Paris and Claire Stauffer!
September 8, 2014: The lab welcomes Biology graduate rotation students, Alison Earley and Garrett Cammarata!
September 8, 2014: Laura Anne presents a talk at Brandeis University for their Molecular Genetics seminar. Thanks to host, Bruce Goode, for a great visit!
August 27, 2014: Beth, Burcu, and Belinda all present poster presentations at the Boston College Biology Department Retreat.
August 26, 2014: Laura Anne gives an invited plenary talk at the 15th International Xenopus Conference in Asilomar, California.
August 25, 2014: The lab welcomes undergrad, Joey Volk!
August 22, 2014: Our first research paper, "TACC3 is a microtubule plus-end tracking protein that promotes axon elongation and regulates microtubule plus-end dynamics in multiple embryonic cell types" was just accepted to Molecular Biology of the Cell. Congrats to Belinda for spearheading this project, along with Anna, Beth, Burcu, Patrick, Matt, and Erin for their essential hard work! And thanks to all the other undergrads for supporting these studies.
August 18, 2014: The lab officially welcomes our new lab manager Aleks Ostojic!
July 31, 2014: The lab is currently accepting applications for 1-2 undergrad part-time volunteer positions for the fall semester; At this time we are requesting applications from interested freshmen, sophomores, and juniors only. Applications are due by September 8th and instructions for submitting can be found here.
July 23, 2014: Our fantastic lab manager Tiffany Enzenbacher's last day; The lab says a heartfelt goodbye to Tiffany and wishes her all the best at her amazing new job opportunity at Harvard University's Arnold Arboretum!
June 9, 2014: Our tutorial article 'Using plusTipTracker software to measure microtubule dynamics in Xenopus laevis growth cones' was accepted to the Journal of Visualized Experiments. Congrats to Alina, Sal, Tiffany, and Patrick for their hard work on this project! For those interested in accessing the manuscript and video ahead of publication, please contact Laura Anne for details.
May 28, 2014: The lab welcomes Smith College undergraduate Abby Antoine for the summer! Abby was awarded a Praxis Grant through Smith to work in our lab with the goal of gaining a deeper knowledge of the research that we are currently conducting.
May 19, 2014: The lab congratulates Anna Faris for acceptance into the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University for Fall 2014!
April 13, 2014: The lab congratulates Belinda Nwagbara for receiving a Poster Award at the Northeast Regional Society for Developmental Biology meeting!
March 31, 2014: The lab congratulates Beth Bearce for receiving an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship! This will fund her graduate stipend for the next 3 years! Yay, Beth!
March 21, 2014: The lab congratulates Matt Evans for being chosen for a 2014 Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship! Read about Matt's award in The Boston College Chronicle here.
March 20, 2014: The lab congratulates Patrick Ebbert for being named a 2014 Boston College Dean's Scholar!
March 19, 2014: The lab welcomes BC undergrads Taylor Nagel and Xiaolin Chen!
March 3, 2014: The lab welcomes our first official PhD students, Beth Bearce and Burcu Erdogan!
February 25, 2014: The lab welcomes BC undergrads Chris Lucaj, Andrew Francl, Jonathan Boudreau!
January 13, 2014: The lab welcomes Erin Rutherford, our newest BC undergrad!
January 9, 2014: Our new Zeiss spinning disk confocal system arrived this week, and we took the first images today!
January 6, 2014: The lab welcomes Biology rotation graduate student Amy Valera for the months of January and February.
January 1, 2014: Laura Anne Lowery officially begins her position as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology here at Boston College.
December 7, 2013: The lab gives a bittersweet farewell to our first Lab Manager, Alina Stout. Alina did a fantastic job helping the lab set up in the Fall, and now she moves on to a new experience while she finishes her BS in Biology at Northeastern.
November 21, 2013: The final paper from Laura Anne's post-doc work at Harvard (on the growth cone-specific roles of microtubule polymerase XMAP215) has been accepted for publication. Congrats to Laura Anne, Anna, and Alina!
November 7, 2013: The lab is the second place winner in the American Society for Cell Biology 2013 "We Are Research" Lab Photo Competition! See here or here for the competition details. Our winning photo is posted in the "Photos" page. Thanks to Biology grad students Beth Bearce and Burcu Erdogan for the award-winning ideas, and to Adam Jenkins for taking the photo.
November 4, 2013: The Lowery Lab welcomes Anna Faris, our new Research Technician!
September 25, 2013: The lab welcomes BC undergrads Charlie Baker and Matt Evans!
September 11, 2013: The lab welcomes BC undergrad Patrick Ebbert!
September 9, 2013: The Lowery Lab welcomes Belinda Nwagbara, our Research Project Manager! We are also excited to have two Biology graduate students rotate with us, Beth Bearce and Burcu Erdogan.
September 6, 2013: Our frog system is installed...frogs will be following in a few weeks.
September - December 2013: Dr. Lowery is teaching a graduate seminar, "Topics in Developmental Neurobiology".
August 5, 2013: The Lowery Lab welcomes Tiffany Enzenbacher, our new Lab Manager!
July 2013: The Lowery Lab unofficially opens its doors and starts ordering supplies and equipment, with the wonderful help of Alina and Sal.